Date & Time
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Pain Resilience: Harnessing the Strength of the Wolf [Pain CE]
Afton Hassett, University of Michigan

Changes in the structure and function of the brain are thought to underlie chronic pain. The good news is that these changes are not hardwired. Many things can be done to influence how the brain processes pain signals including exercise, healthy eating, and better sleep, as well as thinking more adaptive thoughts, positive emotions, and feeling love and connected. This session will highlight the neuroscience related to chronic pain and how engaging in simple self-management strategies can result in less pain and a more rewarding life.

Nurse Learner Outcome: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to discuss the role of resilience in chronic pain and describe at lease 5 easy to deploy behavioral strategies for people with chronic pain.

Learner Objectives:

  1. Explain what is meant by “pain is in the brain.”
  2. Discuss the role and effectiveness of pain self-management in the treatment of chronic pain.
  3. Describe the role of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in the experience of pain.
  4. Contrast typical interventions aimed at decreasing negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with those aimed at building resilience.
  5. Identify at least 5 strategies that can be used at the beside to reduce pain and enhance quality of life in people with chronic pain.
Location Name
Ballroom C (DeVos Place)